Journal Hosting Service
The University of Washington Libraries Journal Hosting Service is a full-service publishing option for those interested in starting a new journal or relocating an existing title. The service aim is to provide a journal hosting solution to increase access to and improve dissemination of UW scholarship. UW Libraries provides server space plus support and training for the use of this publishing platform.
Who can use the Journal Hosting Service?
University of Washington faculty who are associated with the publishing functions of an open access, peer-reviewed journal or who want to start a new venture are invited to apply for consideration. For student-run journals, please contact us.
What does the technology encompass?
The software provides a robust yet flexible workflow environment that includes capacity for:
Back-end workflow management
- Facilitating author submissions
- Guiding submissions through the various editorial processes including peer review
- Preparing manuscripts for publication
- Publishing completed issues
Front-end user experiences
- Producing a journal web site where users can access current and archived content
- Tailoring the appearance and identity of journals
All the while
- Providing maximum exposure and visibility of publications by making them full-text accessible for indexing by Google Scholar and other search services
How could you use this Service?
- Starting a new journal
- Migrating a current journal to a new publishing platform and/or publishing model
- Managing journals needing a robust backend workflow environment, even if the journal is sent off for publishing with another entity