MS 6000 Microform Scanner User Instructions

To Begin:

Scanner overview

  1. Turn on the MS6000 reader using the power switch.

  2. Restart the computer:

    1. Start > Shut Down... > Restart > OK

  3. If needed, ask a staff person for help loading your microfilm or microfiche.

  4. Make sure that the image you want to scan is located within the scan area (black square outline) on the MS 6000 reader.

  5. Make sure the image is in focus.

To Scan:

Note: These instructions are for Photoshop Elements 7.0.

  1. Launch Photoshop Elements

  2. Select Edit from the startup screen.

  3. Under the File menu, go to Import, then click KONICA MINOLTA Microfilm Scanner...

  4. This will open the scanning window (KONIKA MINOLTA Microfilm Scanner ver.2.10).  Adjust these settings:

  • Scan Size: Should be set to 8.5" by 11"

  • Image Adjustment - Output: Images usually appear better in Grayscale; however, image size is larger than if scanning in Black and White.

  • Film Type: Automatic usually works, but you can specify. If the background of your microform is white, select Positive. If the background of your microform is black, select Negative.

  • Brightness and Contrast: Depending on the quality of the microform, you may need to adjust these settings.

  • Click Scan to save the image to the gallery. The scanned image will be a bitmap file, with the name "Untitled" followed by a number.

  • Repeat steps 6 scan multiple images.

  • When you are ready to save all scanned images, Close the scanner popup window.

  • For each scanned image, select the image, then click Save under the File menu.

  • Select the destination folder, type a file name, and choose the desired format (e.g., tiff, jpeg, pdf, etc.) under the File menu.

  • MS6000 Save As

  • Click Save

  • Note: Depending on the file format, and additional dialogue box may open. Make any additional adjustments and click Okay.

  • To Print:

    Cost? $0.12 per side to print 8.5" X 11" sheets using a Husky Card or Dawg Prints card.

    Note: Cash is not accepted at library print stations

    • From within the Photoshop Elements 7.0 software, click File > Print.

    • The computer should default to the ALLEN_SUZZALLO_2_SIDED (print stations located on Allen ground and Suzzallo first).  To print on one side of each paper, change printer to ALLEN_SUZZALLO_1_SIDED.

    To print 11" X 17" (price may vary):

    • Click the Printer button and select OUGL Copy Center - 1 sided

    • Properties > Paper/Quality > Advanced > Paper/Output >

    • Page Setup > Size: 11 X 17

    • Scaled Print Size > Scale to Fit Media

    To Save:

    Cost: free

    The Photoshop Elements 7.0 software will allow you to save using a variety of image file formats.

    • TIFF image files are large. Save as TIFFs if you plan to archive, preserve, or publish the image.

    • GIFF and JPEG image files are smaller images. Save as GIFF or JPEG images if you plan to put the image in a slide presentation or on a Web site. Note: Do not save as a JPEG 2000 image because it requires a special viewer.

    • Note: Images will be erased when the computer logs off. The computer logs off after 10 minutes of inactivity.

    Options:  USB or CD/DVD

    • You can save images using the USB port on the computer's CPU.

    • Yes. You can burn images using File > Save As > DVD RW Drive (E:)

    To Email/To the Cloud:

    Cost? free


    • Use a Web-based email account that has enough space to accept a large image attachment.

    • Use Google Docs.  NOTE: Ignore the browser version warnings.

    • Use Dropbox

    To Finish

    1. Close the Photoshop Elements 7.0 software

    2. Turn off the computer monitor

    3. Turn off the Microdax 6000 reader