Preserve NW

PRESERVENW is an unmoderated list open to anyone interested in furthering the preservation of archival, library, and museum collections in the Pacific Northwest.

The purpose of the list is:

  • to further discussion of cooperative preservation activities in the Pacific Northwest
  • to publicize preservation activities, e.g., announcements of training workshops in the region or preservation publications and web sites
  • to send queries or share information regarding preservation matters


Its focus is on the preservation of institutional as opposed to personal collections. This list is NOT concerned with historic preservation (the preservation of buildings or historic districts) or the conservation of the natural environment.

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"A request to subscribe to the list was received from your address. To make sure that this request was actually sent by you (rather than by someone who spoofed your e-mail address), this list has been configured to require confirmation of all subscription requests."

To subscribe you will need to reply to confirm that you do wish to subscribe.

For questions about this list or questions not intended for the entire list, contact the list owner by sending an e-mail to: or