First Steps

Swimming Upstream: Cooperatively Preserving Collections in the Northwest September 21, 2000, University of Washington
  • Create a regional preservation listserv (Gary Menges, UW)
  • Report back to CLAMS and other professional associations represented at the meeting.
  • Publicize regional educational opportunities, e.g.
    • PORTALS Emergency Preparedness and Recovery, Nov.30-Dec.l, Portland
    • Water, Water Everywhere, April 9, 2001, Seattle
  • Explore preservation pre-conference at OLA/WLA in 2002 (Janet Webster).
  • OCLC/WLN Pacific Northwest Service Center explore contracting with AMIGOS, SOLINET, and other RAP members to bring preservation workshops to the Pacific Northwest. (Karin Ford)
  • State libraries to investigate use of LSTA money to fund preservation activities for libraries within their state
    (Gayle Palmer, Washington; Ernest Perez, Oregon; Kay Shelton, Alaska).
  • Investigate a planning assessment of regional preservation needs, collection strengths, and endangered materials.
    (Steering Committee)
  • Pre-Steering Committee to set up Steering Committee by January 1, 2001 
    (Gudrun Aurand, Richard Engeman, Karin Ford, Normandy Helmer, Gary Menges, Mary Montgomery, John Popko, and Kay Shelton)


* Based on meeting flipchart and meeting notes from Paula Palmer and Ernest Perez